Optimizing Spring Boot Applications for The Cloud

Softwareentwicklung mit Open Source

9:10 – 17:00 Uhr
Fachhochschule OST Campus Rapperswil
Max. Teilnehmer: 28


With the starters, Spring-Boot offers a functionality that allows you to set up a new software project with little effort and start programming right away. You don’t have to worry about the dependencies, since the „right“ ones are already preconfigured. But how can you, for example, optimize the application for the cloud?

In this workshop, we are going to experiment with many different strategies to improve memory, CPU usage, startup times and throughput.


  • Introduction to optimization goals
  • Setting up test tools and creating a baseline for comparison
  • Optimizing Code
  • Optimizing the JVM
  • Spring Boot optimizations
  • Working with other Runtimes


Participants will optimize and test a Spring Boot application for the deployment to the cloud. They will understand how the different approaches work and will be able to optimize their own applications similarly.


Software developers and architects.


Java and Spring Boot knowledge.


In order to participate, you will need:
– A laptop with enough spare disk space and RAM
– Java, Maven and your favourite IDE installed (Eclipse, Spring STS, IntelliJ, Netbeans, VS Code)
– A OCI compatible container platform installed (Docker Desktop, Podman Desktop, …)
– Having rights to install additional software
– No VPN restrictions – direct internet access


Patrick Baumgartner


Patrick is a passionate Software Crafter, trainer and coach for 42talents. His calling is to improve the working environment in IT. He believes that his work is not just about code but about people. Also, he is actively involved in the software community by organizing events and promoting topics such as Agile Software Development, Software Craft and Testing, and anything around Java, Jakarta EE and Spring.