Develop Cloud Native applications with Kubernetes: Patterns and Best practices
Softwareentwicklung mit Open Source
06.09.2023Workshop abgesagt!
9:10 – 17:00 Uhr
Fachhochschule OST Campus Rapperswil
Max. Teilnehmer: 28
Nowdays the majority of developers are building containerized apps for Kubernetes. Most of the time YAML manifests are just copied from other repositories or online resources without fully understanding all implications.
The idea of this workshop is to learn Patterns and Best practices for building those applications and deploying them in a scalable and resilient way to Kubernetes.
Cloud Native Design Patterns will be highlighted in a theoretical way and tested also with practical exercises.
The workshop will begin with a theoretical introduction of Cloud Native apps and Microservices.
We will continue talking about the four types of patterns:
- Foundational Patterns
- Configuration Patterns
- Structural Patterns
- Behavorial Patterns
Most of these patterns will be tested also with practical exercises.
We will finish with two advanced patterns:
- GitOps
- Operators
Goal of this workshop is to move forward from basic usage in order to be able to develop and deploy Cloud Native Apps according to best practices.
Developers which will need to build and deploy apps to Kubernetes.
Basic experience with development, basics of Linux and Kubernetes.
Laptop, an account on Killercoda, GitHub or GitLab account.
Paolo Carta
Freelance - Working with PaoloBorn and grown in the beautiful Sardinia in Italy, he moved to Zurich to complete his studies at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. After working there on delay tolerant networks with Android devices as a research assistant, he focused on backend development on the JVM and scalable, resilient software architectures in the cloud. He is a Certified Kubernetes Application Developer, conference speaker and he is currently working as a Freelance Consultant after the important experience at Red Hat.