Productive Cloud-Native Developer

Softwareentwicklung mit Open Source

9:10 – 17:00 Uhr
HSLU Campus Rotkreuz
Max. Teilnehmer: 30


Are you productive while working on your microservices-based project? Or is your laptop on
fire? Thanks to container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift we are
very efficient when it comes to deploying and managing distributed and containerized
applications. But can we say the same about development?
Coming from a traditional background (self-contained systems also known as monoliths) we are
used to running our applications locally, having instant access to the entire code base, being
able to debug, and reason about the application with ease. We are spoiled by the undisturbed
inner-loop development cycle of coding, building, and testing so we take it for granted.
Diving into the world of distributed systems can be overwhelming at first. There are a plethora of
development tools to choose from, yet tasks like debugging and testing are considered a big
We also have a desire to run everything locally, so we can have a fast feedback loop. This
works perfectly fine at the beginning when projects are relatively small. As soon as we start
introducing more fine-grained services, things get rough. It’s not really feasible to spin up even a
medium-sized distributed system on your own machine. Wouldn’t it be better to run your code
directly in a shared remote cluster?
In this workshop we will show you tools that will make you a productive developer, able to nail
down issues quickly, and confident about the changes you are about to ship. And all of it in the
cloud. Bring your own laptop and have the browser installed. You won’t need any other tools!


This hands-on workshop will help you get familiar with several tools for productively developing
and running applications in the cloud with confidence. During the course of the day you will
● how to develop, debug, and test your services in the cluster
● how a service mesh can improve your architecture
● common tracing and debugging techniques
● how to visualize and monitor a network of microservices
● how to troubleshoot effectively
● how to perform trace analysis


● Learn about developer-focused tooling in Kubernetes ecosystem
● Understand concepts of Service Mesh
● Gain confidence in testing on a live cluster
● Hands-on experience with troubleshooting and debugging microservices


● Software Engineers
● DevOps Engineers


● Programming experience
● Basic understanding of cloud technologies


Laptop with the browser (and internet connection)


Bartosz Majsak

Red Hat

Bartosz Majsak writes code for fun and profit while proudly wearing a red fedora. As a long time open source contributor and conference speaker he shares his passion for programming and testing methodologies. One thing that perhaps proves he is not a total geek is his addiction to alpine skiing.

Aslak Knutsen

Red Hat

Improving developers' experience in the cloud, focusing on Istio. Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, O'Reilly Author, JavaOne RockStar & Java Champion.